Page name: Almost Anti-Chav!! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-03-25 18:26:51
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Frankly..I've had enough of seeing chavs hanging about within 20 metres of English soil...So...Go away!!!

Now people...You might be under the impression that surely Chavs would have, at least, half a brain to stand up and say "I look like an idiot with my socks tucked into my trousers" But they don't...This in itself shows their utter stupidity and, by the sheer amount of them, their lack of independence and imagination.

I have known many chavs..Some of whom have been slightly nice when alone for 10 minutes before becoming utterly annoying and/or trying to show off if others arrive. This again shows a need for them to think that they are cool by trying to show off to others. Provingthe non-existance/lack of Independence...

And, so, I propose this...We kick them in the head and throw them into a river. Or we ship them all to Iraq. That will end the war ^^ They'll be too busy sorting out vermin problems after all.

You know...I think we have all been waiting around for chavs to be killed by their spreading STD's but I suppose that we will have to stand up against chavism now...As the birth rate is too damn fast for the poor STD's to do their work!!!

Now before I get at least one non-chav telling me not all chavs are too bad, You Are Right. Some of them are okay....But, to be honest, it's a minuscule amount...

Not all of us hate all chavs...Just the ones who deserve it..And sometimes the ones in league with the former. It can't be helped.

This explanation isn't QUITE true..But has some good points :P The written one is better..xD (Thanks Angelface!<3) may be asking now..."How do I tell what a chav is!?" if you are lucky enough not to know....Well..Here is the answer to your prayers...How do we recognise a chav!?! written by [shinobi14] and [phoenixborn]
((I had permission to use this so don't like steal it without asking one of the two...))

So...Any takers?
Maker - ME! [;;Melodrama Junkie]
1.[|St|ephie _x] Muhaha, im the inspriation XD. Go steph. Up with Steph and Alex, down with Chavs!
2. [shinobi14] *raises pitchfork* ANTI-CHAVS UNITED!!!(<- He helped so he's uber special also...)
3. [Lonely Shadow]
4. [Pinup_Princess] "I Hate them with a vengance"
5. [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses] they all must DIE!!!!
6. [Kickass Kayleigh]
7. [One More Worthless Fallen Angel] *growls* Fucking kill them all
8. [kyraawr] so..this isnt the bathroom?
9. [--Moana Marie--] Chavs are the worst thing ever made.
10. [Papa Don't Preach] Chavs? Neds? cool? haha no "PFFT"
11.[The Incredible Bulk] i need a reason?..
12.[Voxx] We need to make an island for these mutants. The Us is full of these mutants.
13. [Supernova.] What exactally is their purpose in life? :O Do they even have one?
14. [*Suicidal Cupcake*] There mean to me on the streets T_T
So I throw candy at them.
15.[Invalid User] why wont you just DIEEE? eh?
16. [UV-Reactive*] Damned chavs, they're whats wrong with the world. I'll kill myself if a chav ever runs a country.
17. [Punxh Up!] "Damn inbred fools, chavs are why abortions were thought of."
18. [X-TheDarkened-X] "Remember; do NOT under any circumstances run a chav over on a push-bike. It may be yours."

If you wish to join..Send me a message and i'll send you the password ^_^ Also if you have anything you would like to add to the page..Just ask me and if it's good it can most likely go up on here ^^

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